Monday 13 April 2009

New York, New York (Part 1)

Despite the name at the bottom of the entry, this is written by Liz: I LOVE New York! I love the fact that you can do anything and everything any time, day or night. A bit like London, I like the mix of old and new buildings, and everywhere you walk feels like a film set. That said, the reputation of New Yorkers being a teensy bit brash seems to be true - as evidenced by the dragon our hostel employed as a receptionist. Anyway, our hostel was in a great location to get around Manhattan - Chelsea, not only the name of a horrible football team but a neighbourhood gayer than Julian Clary sitting on a Christmas tree. Anyway, on the first day, we couldn't check in until the afternoon so Aaron managed to watch his football in a pub called Nevada Smith's, home to the New York branch of Arsenal America. It was the randomest bunch of people - some American male cheerleaders who lead every Arsenal song (but don't know who Liam Brady is), British lads who look like extras from 'This Is England' and one poor Man City fan on holiday. After non-stop chanting and pints of Guinness at ten in the morning (after failing to sleep on the Megabus), we headed to the famous Katz Deli which is where Harry Met Sally for some delicious chicken noodle soup! Times Square is the equivalent of Leicester Square, although 10 times bigger and with a million more photosnapping tourists - we tried to avoid it for the rest of our stay...

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