Monday 23 February 2009

I biked the Golden Gate Bridge and all I got was this lousy band-aid.

So after enjoying a 6 mile cycle ride seeing the sights of Vancouver's Stanley Park, we couldn't wait to get pedalling again. We planned our route through the Presidio, across the Golden Gate Bridge and back, before making our way back via Golden Gate Park. We knew this was around 26 miles long and may be a little hilly, but we were confident...

Of course, this is San Francisco, so it's very hilly. Very hilly. Which makes us very silly. There's nothing like seeing a Lance Armstrong lookalike speed past you when you're walking your bike up a slope. And then I fell off.

Elizabeth insists I post this photo up. We were crossing the bridge (which is pretty amazing by the way) and it's rather narrow in parts trying to pass pedestrians. As I've just gone past one couple, my foot seemed to slip off the pedal, my leg gets caught in the framework, and I'm done. I go down shoulder-first and I'm in agony at first. That pain is soon replaced by embarrassment as a group of macho workmen help me up and give me a plaster for the gashes that have opened up. Luckily I also have Nurse Fisher, who was very lovely looking after me.

After a much-needed rest, I rather bravely (if I do say so myself) fought through the pain and we went onwards with our mission. Secretly, I think Elizabeth was hoping I couldn't carry on. Hill after hill after hill. Seemingly nowhere in sight serving food and we only had a paltry Hershey's bar for sustenance. Sweating our way around the Japanese Tea Garden (made only slightly celebratory when a genuine Philly guy pointed out my Clubber Lang T-shirt to his kids). We thought it would never end.

But it did, and never have we deserved a huge Ghiradelli sundae more than we did that day. Of course, since then I have been forced to keep my ankle elevated all day in an effort to keep the swelling down. God knows what will happen when I have to ride a horse.



  1. Can't say I'm surprised Aaron. We were discussing your clumsiness recently and you claimed that you're not clumsy anymore and that you haven't fallen over in ages! Is that the ankle that swells up every time you fall over? Looks painful. Seems that you are having quite the adventure though. I'm pretty jealous sitting here at work pretending to work while I read about your journeys. Sigh.

  2. I have a condition called reactive arthritis Curtis - you're so insensitive...

  3. Reactive to falling over a lot!
